Morayo And Cole Testimonial | Love Stories | Allure-D
Morayo And Cole
Since Inception, Singles Have Depended on Allure-D For a More Fulfilling Relationship Journey.
Morayo And Cole's Love Spark
we talked for two hours, sharing stories about our lives. I grew to admire him more and more, and I especially liked his beautiful voice.
On another occasion, Cole asked again if I wanted coffee, tea, or juice, and this time, he took me out for my favorite Chinese tea. We had another long conversation, talking for two hours, and I felt a deeper connection with him. I fell in love with his beautiful voice—he is so talented and always makes me laugh.
He sent me red roses through a website for Valentine’s Day and pink roses on my birthday. We couldn’t wait to meet in person, so Cole flew to Nigeria, and that’s when our relationship truly began.
Lastly, I would like to thank this site for bringing such a wonderful man into my life. I can hardly believe that this perfect gentleman from Germany is mine.